
Eighteen and Crunchy

Tired of the Same old ChapShtick

It’s that time of year again. The leaves have dropped and the temperature has fallen right along with them. That means its time for me to slather on the Chapstick. Over the summer (salt-water is dangerous!) I discovered Burt’s Bees. My first one was brutally murdered in my washing machine and dryers. I use Burt’s regularly and I am very satisfied with the results, as it softens my lips and is made in the US. Here’s the ingredient list too.

Another chap stick I discovered, via a thread on Ravelry is the Yes To brand. Someone recommended the Yes To Tomatoes shampoo. I haven’t tried it as of yet but when I was at Walmart I saw the Yes To Carrots chap stick by the same brand and I really like it so far. The website seemed kind of confusing and I couldn’t find an ingredient list but it also says on the packaging that it’s made in the US (I’m big on made in the US).

So what do you all like to use to keep your lips from feeling like birch bark?

xo~ Granola

(Disclaimer: this is not paid for in anyway)

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This entry was posted on November 14, 2013 by in Skin and Face and tagged , , , , , , .

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